Research paper format
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Search of Identity in Society
Character can be commonly characterized as the individual attributes and characteristics which separate every person from the other, anyway in â€Å"The legend of the Latin lady: I just met a young lady named Maria†by Cofer, Judith Ortiz and â€Å"The delight of perusing and composing: superman and me†by Alexei Sherman, the two creators show the subject personality in an alternate way. Judith Cofer depicts how the general public regularly generalization people into bunches point of fact, in this specific article, the hostile generalization of Latino ladies with no specific explanation yet simply because of their identity.Alexei Sherman in â€Å"The delight of perusing and composing: superman and me†likewise portrays how society can affect one’s character; anyway Alexei was resolved to assemble himself and challenge the general public in spite of its desires. Similitudes in this specific correlation defeat the distinctions; the likenesses which are plain ly observed between these two short stories are the means by which the general public puts down individuals and generalization them just because of their personality. Another basic subject between the two stories is multiculturalism and how it’s faced.The contrast anyway is the means by which each creator managed this generalizing and how they characterized their own personality regardless of how individuals interfered with it for them. Desires can change the manner in which an individual feels about carrying on with their life the manner in which they want. Society decides and expects a job that each individual must perform as indicated by who they are, for example, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic and so on. In the exposition the â€Å"The delight of perusing and composing: superman and me†, the writer discusses his life as an Indian kid and how composing and perusing formed his life to what it is today.Sherman discusses how as an Indian kid living in a booking in the United States, Indians were required to fizzle and be uneducated; but since he was â€Å"smart, pompous and lucky†he thought outside the box and turned into an inventive essayist. In Cofer’s case there were no mold’s to be broken however just society’s discernment about Latinas. She gathers all the misguided judgments of Latin ladies, contrasting them and her own encounters Our impression of anything can change and the manner in which we see our selves can some of the time be modified by the occasions that occur in our life, our mental self portrait and confidence can be likewise adjusted by these occasions too.Cofer, in her self-portraying short story depicts how she feels like an object of sexual want and an individual of lower class in light of her Puerto Rican ethnicity. She begins the article by remembering an episode which happened to her with an intoxicated man who re-authorized â€Å"Maria†from West Side Story despite the fact that she was exasperated, she attempted to keep her cool when everybody around her was snickering and hailing. The creator shows how the general public corrupts her since she is just Latina paying little mind to the way that is she an informed ladies looking for information from Oxford university.Later she states, â€Å"I don't wear my confirmations around my neck†-By this Cofer suggests that there are numerous other ladies precisely like her, Latin ladies who do have the upside of instruction, anyway others inside social orders racial misinterpretations persuade that each Latin lady is either a â€Å"housemaid†or a â€Å"counter girl†-which is clearly not the situation. Cofer proceeds to emotionally examinations and shields the negative generalizations that Latin ladies encounter.Since something can be normal in a decided culture and hostile in another, it is anything but difficult to track down an assortment of carries on that are misconstrued. This misjudged is the thing that advances the presence of partiality. She gathers all the misinterpretations of Latin ladies, contrasting them and her own encounters. Inevitably the creator attempts to convey a message, a â€Å"universal truth†, is to attempt to supplant the old unavoidable generalizations, people ought not be judged totally because of their place of root, â€Å"skin shading, highlight or cloths†however ought to be seen for who they really are.Cofer accentuates that â€Å"we can't change this (the legend of Latina as prostitute, local or criminal) by enacting the manner in which individuals take a gander at us the change, from my perspective, needs to happen at a substantially more individual level†. Again this is something which is additionally observed in Sherman’s article and it’s apparent from his composition. Sherman says he saw the world in passages, this is a figurative term he made. Â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Election a benchmark election
The US endure this contention under Abraham Lincoln, the Republican from Illinois. After the war finished, Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party were seen as legends. They had finished subjection in the United States and won the war. In particular they had the option to keep a country, isolated by a momentous issue, for example, subjection seen as making Irreconcilable contrasts, together. Because of the saw triumphs of the Republicans during this time, they had the option to overwhelm the White House, despite the fact that Lincoln Vice President, Andrew Johnson, as a Democrat.Johnson would just serve one term in office after Lincoln death, because of the poor arrangements he would establish as president. The accompanying US Presidents would be Ulysses S. Award, a Republican war saint, and three additional Republicans, Hayes, Garfield and Arthur, before another Democrat would become president. The best leader of the time was Abraham Lincoln who Is broadly viewed as the best presid ent in US history for his achievements during the Civil War. Then again Andrew Johnson is viewed as one of the most exceedingly terrible, and is one of just two presidents to be impeached.Lincoln accomplishments, combined with the doubt of southern Democrats after the Civil War, made ready for Republicans to control the White House for the last 50% of the nineteenth century. Arrangement OF 1896 (1897-1933) The System of 1 896, otherwise called the Progressive Era, was another range of time that was commanded by the Republican Party, for all with the exception of an eight-year hole where a Democrat held the White House. The pattern began under President McKinley as he extended America's outskirts with the Spanish American War, exchange China, and acquisitions of the Philippines and Hawaii, before he was assassinated.Teddy Roosevelt, who followed McKinley, made numerous changes that Improved the food (meat pressing processing plants specifically), manufactured the Panama Canal, and de veloped American maritime quality, the two of which cultivated the topic of American Imperialism set by McKinley. William Howard Taft proceeded with the Progressive Era by transforming the American working environment at that point. Taft founded the idea of an eight-hour workday just as proceeding to separate imposing business models and trusts, for example, American Standard Oil, more than Teddy Roosevelt had in his time as president . After the finish of Tuft's first term,Roosevelt felt he hadn't done what's needed as president and ran against him under the Bull-Moose party. This prompted Taft and Roosevelt parting Republican votes and a moderate Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, winning the political decision. From 1892 to 1928 the Republicans were succeeding at or above half in all areas other than the south, a locale Democrats thought about their base at that point, the sole special case being in 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt ran against William Howard Taft under the Bull-Moose Party. This brought about Taft and Teddy Roosevelt parting the Republican vote .This exhibits how solid the Republicans were during the System of 1896 fashioned the country. Wilson would lead the country through World War I and with it make a prosperous country. In any case, before the finish of his administration it was his bombed thoughts that would stay with him and the Democratic Party prompting Republicans controlling the White House for the following twelve years. Willow's triumphs included making the Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission and Clayton Antitrust Act. What's more he was president when the nineteenth amendment, lady's entitlement to cast a ballot, was ratified.However, what he'll generally be associated with was the possibility of the League of Nations which would push dead to his gathering's misfortunes in the following political decision. The following twelve years of Republican presidents were commonly indistinguishable, recalled fundamentally for Herbert Hover's powe rlessness to manage the Great Depression, prompting the appointment of Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt as president. THE NEW DEAL AND THE GREAT SOCIETY (1933-1969) The Great Depression changed the manner in which government worked in the United States. Starved and the New Deal the US Government developed to the biggest it has ever been .Figure 1 Instead of the administration being there to ensure the individuals in the midst of emergency when Americans required assistance, the New Deal drastically changed the extent of government. The administration changed from reactionary to prudent, bringing about a bigger, progressively included government. Taken care of and the New Deal helped manage the country out of the Great Depression and through World War II, yet not without changing the government until the end of time. The impacts of this change are still observed today with government assistance, Social Security, and the Tennessee Valley Authority among other government programs mad e by the New Deal.After FED came Truman and the Marshall Plan proceeding with the pattern of the United States turning into a worldwide force by offering help to Europe to reconstruct from the consequence of World War II and the danger of Communism. Truman likewise managed the production of the United Nations, foundation of Israel as a nation, the Berlin the form of Fad's philosophies. Following 20 years of Democratic presidents, moderate Republican and war legend Dwight D. Eisenhower won the administration. Squeeze directed the structure of the interstate parkway framework, just as the beginnings of the Space Race, and the Civil Rights Era.These achievements were acceptable, however didn't flag a full move from the significant issues odd FED and Trauma's administrations. Following Eisenhower administration social equality turned into a focal point of national legislative issues and central purposes of both KEF and Lab's administrations. Lyndon B. Johnson would speak as far as possi ble of the Democratic hang on the administration. In spite of his job in the social equality development, finishing all types of isolation, and â€Å"The Great Society', he will be associated with starting inclusion in the Vietnam War. American contribution in Vietnam would be basic in driving Richard Nixon and the Republicans to taking the presidency.REAGAN REVOLUTION (1981-) Ronald Reagan is one of the most promoting presidents in our country's history and was the dad of the last period of administrations in the United States. Ronald Reagan vanquished sitting president Jimmy Carter in the 1980 political race. Carter will be associated with the oil emergency and gas lack, the downturn, the Iran prisoner emergency, and the Soviet attack of Afghanistan. This moved the American individuals to choose Ronald Reagan, and not just barely. In 1980 Ronald Reagan won 489 appointive votes and 50. 8% of the famous vote to Carter's 49 votes and 41%. In 1984 Reagan would win 525 votes and 58. O f the vote to Walter Module's 13 votes and 40. 6% . It was extraordinary to see a Republican to do so well broadly, as the South had been a Democratic lock. In the number one spot up to the 1980 political decision the South had been moving towards the Republican fortification it has become. In the 1950 midterms, Republicans had won Just two seats in the House from the South. In 1980 Republicans won around 40% of seats . As president, Reagan would regulate monetary development through bringing down assessments and utilizing flexibly side financial matters, the pushing back of the Soviets and defrosting of the Cold War, and progress of his objective to employing the government (see figure 1).Reggae's perspective on conservatism has been apparent from that point as of not long ago. George H. W. Shrubbery, Reggae's Vice President, would keep following Reggae's convictions while president. In 1982 around 35% of the country recognized themselves as Republicans, by 1994 it had expanded to 43%5. George Bush as president directed the fall of both the Soviet Union and Berlin Wall, drove an effective Persian Gulf War, and would organize the Americans with Disabilities Act. President Bush would lose re-appointment when he raised charges, against his guarantee of â€Å"read my lips: no new taxes†.This gave the chance to a moderate Democrat from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, to win the 1992 Presidential political decision. Clinton kept on reinforcing the economy, however in an unexpected route in comparison to Reagan. Clinton adjusted the government financial plan by raising duties and changing the government assistance frameworks set up by FED in the New Deal. In accordance with Reggae's approaches he guaranteed that there was organized commerce between North American nations with NONFAT. Following Clinton, George W. Shrub was chosen President dependent on huge numbers of his that would direct his administration (Afghanistan and Iraq).In expansion to the wars, the ND of Bush's administration saw the start of another significant downturn, prompting the political race off liberal democrat, Barack Obama. Has the Reagan Revolution finished? We may not know for another 5-10 years. In spite of Obama, a liberal Democrat, being chosen president, a significant number of Reggae's thoughts are still supported by Tea Party Republicans. This group of the Republican Party looks for a littler national government, littler bureaucratic spending plan, and more rights being come back to the states, instead of being administrative issues.WHAT HAS CAUSED THIS PATTERN TO EXIST The previous 150 years can be separated into four particular times. The initial two set apart by Republican administrations, the third, and longest of the periods, a Democratic time, lastly an arrival to Republican control of the administration with the Reagan Revolution. When taking a gander at every time, a couple of things are apparent; a couple of extraordinary presidents characterize all of t hese timeframes, those presidents' gathering is the prevailing party of the period, one awful administration or occasion can end the time, and that in the middle of every time there is some type of realignment.It is these conditions fit together that make an example of presidential traditions to exist in America. The main 10 presidents in history are (all together) FED, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Wilson, Truman and Eisenhower. Outside of the establishing fathers every one of these presidents were a piece of one of these periods, either as the one whose belief systems characterized the time or as the moderate of the other party who followed these philosophies, yet with their gathering's themes.The
Friday, August 21, 2020
Htaccess Redirect For Better Pagerank Other Analytics
Htaccess Redirect For Better Pagerank Other Analytics Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Htaccess Redirect For Better Pagerank Other AnalyticsUpdated On 05/04/2017Author : BlogjuntaTopic : HTACCESSShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlog.htaccess (hypertext access) redirect is very important to route all the traffic to one form of URL of their blog. It is best to use .htaccess redirect both in the case of humans and bots, as the bots and humans will be handling the URL for various purposes like linkback in case of humans or crawling in case of bots of Google and Microsoft. .htaccess redirect helps in maintaining a single format for your blog or website.The Different forms of URL can hinder the Pagerank and other analytics, as they would take your blog or website in two different forms and rate it differently. The two most commonly seen formats are with WWW and without WWW , for example ;http://www.domain.comhttp://domain.comThe two formats will be differently handled and hence the linkbacks for humans and the URL for Google bots and Microsoft bots will not appear same. The solution for the above problem is to use .htaccess redirect.Redirection from with www to without www can be achieved by creating a .htaccess file in your control panel root directory, this will usually be in the public_html in cpanel file manager and similarly in other Control panels like Plesk.To redirect the with www URL to without www URL, edit the .htaccess file and insert the code given below and save:## Redirect to RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(.*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]READThe Brand As A Social Media Administrator
Monday, May 25, 2020
The American Civil War, Fought Between 1860 And 1865 Was
The American Civil War, fought between 1860 and 1865 was one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of warfare. At the end of the war, more than 600,000 soldiers were dead or wounded. The institution of slavery was ended and the United States was changed forever. Several causes have been suggested for the conflict, including the disagreement over the institution of slavery, economic differences between the north and south and a difference in how the Constitution was to be interpreted. Slavery, however, is the key issue that lies at the heart of the conflict. Slavery has existed as long as cultures have warred with each other. Dating back to the oldest civilizations, the use of war prisoners as unpaid, forced labor has long been part of†¦show more content†¦The most important crop was cotton, which was needed in the textile mills in the north. Slavery was tied into the southern economy because the crops that the southern economy was based on required a lot of manpower to c ultivate. As time passed, banks in the north came to dominate the United States economy. The south soon found itself cash poor. Northern industries and banks became the economic center of the United States. The south was forced to rely on the north economically. Northern banks issued loans to southern planters, and northern industry supplied household goods to the south, which the south was obligated to buy from northern merchants, as tariffs – taxes on imported goods – made it less economically practical for the south to import such goods from any other source. The passage of these tariffs had been a contentious issue several times in the United States Congress. A high tariff, the north argued, would be good for the country, as it made American goods cheaper than those imported from Europe. These price controls encouraged consumers to buy American goods and therefore would help the American economy grow. The south argued that such tariffs made it difficult for the s outh to buy goods from any other, cheaper, source. By the mid 1800 s, planters in the southern part of the United States found themselves indebted to northern banks and forced to buy consumer goods from northern suppliers. The south soon saw its limited liquid capital travelingShow MoreRelatedThe Ultimate Causes Of The American Civil War941 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Civil War was a war fought within the United States of America between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) The war was one of the most critical events in American history. â€Å"It is estimated that 623,000 soldiers died during the Civil War†(Garrison) starting from 1861 and ending in 1865. While many still debate the ultimate causes of the Civil War, author James McPherson writes that, The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave statesRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1217 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln was born in the year 1809 on February 12th in the town of Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. Growing up Lincoln had no proper education, consequently he read books and educated himself. During Lincoln’s young adult years, he worked a various number of jobs as a shopkeeper, surveyor, and a postmaster. In 1832, Lincoln became a captain of the Hawk War against the Native Americans. Shortly after the war was over, he began his political career and was elected to the IllinoisRead MorePrimary Causes Of The Civil War820 Words  | 4 Pagesstandpoints on why the Civil War had been fought but the primary reason why the Civil War started over uncompromisable differences between free Southern states and pro-slavery Northern states and their controversy over government power and slave laws. Fought during April of 1861 to 1865, the Civil War had divided the country into a frenzy against each other. In fact, a devastating 620,000 soldiers had died from accident, combat, starvation and disease, the deadlie st war in American history. To add toRead MoreThe American Civil War Was A Death Filled Four Years1243 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Civil War was a death filled four years. Many people died fighting for what they believed. The north, who won the war, got what they wanted; the south was able to keep their property with nearly no consequences for their actions. But one group of people who fought for both sides got nothing for their blood left on the battle field. Both the Union army and the Confederate army promised the Native Americans who fought for them many things such as land, freedom, and rights but did eitherRead MoreEssay on Confederate States Of America1421 Words  | 6 Pagesfederation of 11 slave holding Southern states of the United States that seceded from the Union and were arrayed against the national government during the American Civil War. Immediately after confirmation of the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, the legislature of South Carolina convened. In a unanimous vote on December 20, 1860, the state seceded from the Union. During the next two months ordinances of secession were adopted by the states of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, GeorgiaRead MoreThe Civil War Was A Grave Cause Of Many Events. Many People1663 Words  | 7 PagesThe civil war was a grave cause of many events. Many people may see the results of the war as a chain reaction to many following eras. One of the most prominent eras that emerged from the civil war was the reconstruction era. The reconstruction era emerged around 1865 and continued until 1877. This time period generally refers to the time in United States history in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states back into the Union. The States wereRead MoreIn What Way the African Americans Shaped the Course and Consequences of the Civil War? Confine Your Answer to the Years from 1861 and 1870.1038 Words  | 5 PagesIn what way the African Americans shaped the course and consequences of the Civil War? Confine your answer to the years from 1861 and 1870. Immediately after the election and inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the newly-established Republican Party’s presidential nominee, eleven states of the South seceded from the Union. These events marked the beginning of the Civil War and the war was a result of many political tensions that had emerged between the North and the South in the prior decades, allRead MoreThe Civil War And The Confederate States Of America Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Civil War is a civil war between 1861 and 1865 involving the United States or (the Union) and the Confederate States of America (â€Å"the Confederacy†), led by Jefferson Davis, consisting of eleven southern slave states that had seceded from the United States. The Union included all abolitionist states and five borderline slave states and was headed by Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party. The latter was opposed to the expansion of slavery in the territories held by the United StatesRead MoreSilent Sam, By J ulia Craven908 Words  | 4 Pagesof the University of North Carolina’s campus built to honor students who left school and fought in the Civil War. The Civil War was a war between the northern and southern states fought over slavery. Many students now think that the statue is offensive because the people that it honors fought for the South and supported slavery. Silent Sam was erected in 1913 for 321 UNC students who fought in the Civil War. It’s called Silent Sam because he has no ammunition so he’s quiet and then just Sam. TheRead MoreWas the American Civil War fought to free the Slaves Essay502 Words  | 3 Pages Was the American Civil War fought to free the Slaves? The American Civil war was fought between the Northern and Southern States of America. It was a case of the richer and more industrial versus the poorer and more agricultural. So was the war fought for the black slaves’ freedom or as just a division between two contrasting societies in one huge country? Firstly, there were extremely contrasting views on black slavery between the North and South. The south being
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Effect of Video Game Violence on Children and Teens Essay
Violent video games can lead to aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. â€Å"Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognition (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive state†(Anderson and Bushman 355). As more children are becoming exposed violence in video games in the recent years, violence in schools and other locations where children are prominent has increased. â€Å"A national crime victimization survey compiled and maintained by the United States Department of Justice, shows that overall crime rates in United States society have fallen. Simultaneously, school- based†¦show more content†¦A survey of teens conducted in 2000 regarding video games reveled the following: â€Å"89 percent reported that their parents never limited time spent playing video games†(Anderson and Bushman 354). Video games provide an interactive, accessible way for children to commit virtual crimes and experience violence. They can also be extremely addictive leading to prolonged negative exposure. Violent games do not teach children and adolescents how to deal with their anger constructively; instead they give children and adolescents ideas that could involve causing harm to another in- game character or destroying property. Not all youth are the same, some who play video games can withhold from transferring the violence to the real world while others see it as a way of dealing with their problems. â€Å"For some, there is a concern that children who are inundated with the images of shootings bombings and rapes will become desensitized to such violent acts and possibly learn to use them as valid responses to life’s stresses†(â€Å"Media Violence†1). There are countless modern video games that require the player to use violent, destructive means to complete an object ive, often against human characters. Games such as the infamous Grand Theft Auto series give players the complete freedom to kill anyone they wish by any means they can find. This kind of access to senseless violence leadsShow MoreRelatedVideo Game : Violent Video Games927 Words  | 4 PagesThe video game industry possible causing behavioral problems for people of all ages. Video game violence isn’t breaking news for years people have played games with murder and sexual innuendos. People ask why violent video games are so attractive, maybe it’s a way to escape from real life or even therapeutic. History shows us that human being like violence, in roman time gladiators killed people and animals for sport with huge number of people as an audience. Today the video game industry has foundRead MoreViolent Video Games Effects On Children934 Words  | 4 Pagestodays’ society is Violent video games effect negatively on youngsters. This issue is growing because m any of these games are featured aggressive elements that lead youngsters towards violence. For most players, video games are fun but also violent games take over the lives of some player. Since the world of video games was started in the 1980s, the video games still getting new level of popularity in this world. Most people are getting really addictive of these violent video games. The first importantRead MoreEssay on Numbing Violent Video Games934 Words  | 4 Pages Violent Video Games Did you know that video games aren’t just fun and games anymore? It may be influencing your child to hurt others. Video games are very enjoyable, but they are also very dangerous and unhealthy for children. More than 90% of children and adolescents play video games, the majority of those games contain violent content. However, this does not mean all types of video games are bad and that children will only develop bad habits from playing the video games. Video games can haveRead MoreViolence and Americas Troubled Youth Essays1069 Words  | 5 PagesVideo games have come a long way since the days of Pong. Advances in technology have allowed games to present state of the art graphics and surreal like qualities to its consumers; from four star simulated battle scenes to enhanced real live fire shoot outs. With all these innovations added to violent video games it attracted the visual needs of our teenage youth. Although video game violence has been blamed for high profile scho ol shootings, video games and its creators should not be held accountableRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers895 Words  | 4 PagesNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers Do you think video games are good for teenagers? Video games are one of the fastest growing entertainment. And 97% of American teens play the video games. And young people aged 8 to 18 play the video games for about 13.2 hours a week. Do you think it is too much or normal? There are a lot of negative effects on teenagers for 13.2 hours playing games. For example, video games are experiencing emotional angst among teens, and many teens are sufferingRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior?1383 Words  | 6 Pages Do Violent Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior? Samantha Remesz Saginaw Valley State University Abstract This paper explores violent video games and their affects on people’s behavior and emotions. An experimental study was done by Smith, Lachlan, and Tamborini and is investigated further. The researchers wanted to examine people’s behavior after playing violent video games as well as nonviolent video games and compare the differences of the two. The study observes boys and girlsRead MoreVideo Games Encourage Teen Violence Essay1262 Words  | 6 PagesVideo Games Encourage Teen Violence A sniper perched high in a eagles nest zooms in through his scope to the head of his enemy, pulls the trigger, the enemy falls to the ground headless. This is a image that is common in the world of war, and now in the world of video games. Teens all over the world have become completely addicted to first person fighting games. With technology as great as it is today game makers are able to designed games that are so real it is truly scary. Millions of teensRead MoreThe Dangers Of Video Games1342 Words  | 6 PagesPlaying video games has become a popular activity for people of all ages (Cunningham). Video games have become very sophisticated and realistic. Video games are dangerous for children and teenagers, when video games were first made available to consumers and brought into homes it was to serve the purpose of entertainment. Video games could be dangerous but they could also be very educational. This research paper will explore the history, controversial aspect, people involved and possibleRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Affect Real World Aggression And Violence?1727 Words  | 7 PagesDo violent video games influence real world aggression and violence, among other harmful behaviors, within children and young teens? Yes, they do, without a doubt. Children and teens that extensively play violent games tend to be less stressed, but are also more prone to stealing, over-eating, and acting out in minor rages when playing violent video games for long extensions of time. Though most of the side effects do not damage a young child or teen physically, the effects can result in social problemsRead MoreVideo Games Effect On Today s Adolescents839 Words  | 4 PagesAre video games having a negative effect on today’s adolescents? For most teens, video games can be a fun way to escape reality. How do video games impact us? Are video games having a positive or a negative effect on today’s adolescents? Spending to o much time playing video games leads to escalating rates of teen violence, obesity and declining grades. Violence, which also includes bullying, among teens has been on the rise for years, Watch the local evening news and you will most likely hear
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Main Sources Of Electrical Power - 1405 Words
Practical Exercise One (10%): There are five major sources of electrical power worldwide and four other sources that are not used widely at this time. Using your state?s electrical grid, identify the sources of electrical power used by your state and then attempt to locate the major power plants and substations. Try to identify the major components of these plants and substations. Try to establish the connection between power generation, transmission and distribution in your state. Compare and contrast the efficiency of the various types of power plants in your state. Go to a local library and on line to find how many resources are available addressing your topic. Write a short paper (3-5 pages) discussing the results of your research, what databases, if any, were available, the amount of information available on the subject, and whether you believe that the information exists for you to create a map of your state?s electric power network. Use the?H-PU APA Guidelines for Academic Pap ers?(located under course resources) and the APA Example Paper template to guide your development of this paper. Open Source Information Showcasing Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution in the State of Illinois The State of Illinois electrical grid consists of a variety of power generating sources that provide electricity to transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial customers within the state. Based on estimated 2008 statistics, the percentage of end-use by energyShow MoreRelatedA Report On Electrical Vehicle1509 Words  | 7 PagesElectrical Vehicle Executive summary Electrical vehicles technology has been present for a while and is a proven technology that need only reshaping to meet the global need. Though, in the past, the technology had failed to compete with the internal combustion engine due to initial cost, the technology has done well in the past few years. Electric vehicle ability to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon and carbon dioxide and the advantages it enjoys such as low maintenance andRead MoreA Research Proposal On Electrical Vehicles1507 Words  | 7 PagesExecutive summary Electrical vehicles technology has been present for a while and is a proven technology that need only reshaping to meet the global need. Though, in the past, the technology had failed to compete with the internal combustion engine due to initial cost, the technology has done well in the past few years. Electric vehicle ability to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon and carbon dioxide and the advantages it enjoys such as low maintenance and running cost can enhanceRead MoreA Research Proposal On Electrical Vehicle1543 Words  | 7 PagesElectrical Vehicle Summary Electrical vehicle technology has been present for a while and is a proven technology that need only reshaping to meet the global need. Though, in the past, the technology had failed to compete with the internal combustion engine due to initial cost, the technology has done well in recent years. Electric vehicle ability to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, like carbon and carbon dioxide, and the advantages it enjoys, such as low maintenance and running cost, canRead MoreElectricity Generation1639 Words  | 7 Pages[1] For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the electrical power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kineticRead MoreElectrical System Electrical System is a major sub system of a complete design. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Incremental Contribution of Lean Management †
Question: Discuss about the Incremental Contribution of Lean Management. Answer: Introduction This case study deals with a company named as Monoclean Limited that manufacturers as well as markets household cleaners in a batch process-manufacturing and Activity-based costing as it is used for allocating overhead to production (Williams 2014). The company had come out with new structure where the monthly declaration is arranged for each business unit. Furthermore, manufacturing profit report is organized for the region as well as total-company profit statement is prepared. Addition to that, the transfer price for goods transferred between manufacturing as well as marketing areas within the same trade in at regular manufacturing cost. The current segment properly identifies each issue and provide with recommendations that will help Monoclean Limited (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener 2013). Therefore, the present segment properly put emphasis upon how management of Monoclean Limited take assistance from management consulting team for solving the issue as far as possible. There are several issues that are identified by business unit managers. The issue is related to obsolete inventory. The first issue is related to obsolete inventory and this had directly affected the manufacturing profit statement (Suomala, Lyly-Yrjninen and Lukka 2014). Furthermore, there is little encouragement for the marketing human resources that are responsible for selling off or managing slow or old stock as they actually purchase goods at standard cost from the manufacturing as and when needed. The above issue can be solved by considering inventory optimization tools that have been gaining around as Monoclean Limited seek to assess their intact network as well as formative the best inventory policies for each of the product in their supply chain (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener 2013). The software tools should be used by Monoclean Limited that uses data from WMS as well as ERP systems. Monoclean Limited should utilize business solutions that make use of real-time analytics under one major stage. It will help the company to have real-time inventory within one form as well as follow it properly who owns that inventory and it is still in the same inventory model (Renz 2016). The issue in this case is related to inventory shipping as well as transportation where it is properly managed by manufacturing staff members (Suomala, Lyly-Yrjninen and Lukka 2014). The cost for this need to be shown in the manufacturing profit The above problem can be solved by presenting realistic advice on how top administration can distinguish the extent of its own supply weakness as well as treat it with a all-inclusive approach for managing the level of supply activities (Otley and Emmanuel 2013). In order to guarantee long-term accessibility of vital materials as well as components at a competitive cost, the manufacturing staff members are responsible to look after the risks and the complexity of global sourcing activities. In that way, other staff members at Monoclean Limited already sources on a global basis that actually come up with uncertainties as well as supply or price disruptions on annual unprecedented scale. It is important to monitor the current developments where the management needs to learn matters relating to supply chain activities. It actually calls for a solution that is a total change of viewpoint that starts from purchasing or working functions to supply management or a tactical function in the m ost appropriate way (Suomala, Lyly-Yrjninen and Lukka 2014). The issue here is about change in product or raw material sourcing where the trade units takes into consideration manufacturing areas that attract manufacturing variances from standard cost (be it favorable or unfavorable). It mainly outcome to an adjusted with the standard costs in ensuing periods as well as affect the profit of the marketing units (Messner 2016). The above issue can be solved by using transfer pricing techniques as it will help in improving the level of profitability at Monoclean Limited. It is advisable to use these transfer pricing techniques as it will improve profitability at both business as well as corporate level. This technique has advantages but any of the incorrect transfer pricing can cause substantial dysfunctional purchasing behavior as well as undergo profitability component on corporate-wide level (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener 2014). Market pricing help in aspects such as profitability enhancement, performance review as well as simple applicability The issue of concern is with the role of the business unit MD who is involved in the capital expenditure approval process. In that case, capital expenditure decisions mostly affect the business unit profits throughout the cash flow timing as well as depreciation of assets and maintenance cost (Suomala, Lyly-Yrjninen and Lukka 2014). The above issue can be solved by understanding the importance of capital expenditures and how it helps at the time of undertaking decisions (Ax and Greve 2017). Capital expenditure is used by business enterprise for acquiring or upgrading physical assets like property, industrial buildings or in that case equipment. It is used for undertaking new projects or investments by the business enterprise. It will help in tracking the capital expenditures on a trend line and comparing capital expenditures to sales. It actually matches capital expenditures to business units (Suomala, Lyly-Yrjninen and Lukka 2014). On analysis, it is noted that Monoclean Limited should use profit centre responsibility where executive are accountable to look after both revenue as well as costs. Here, the accountability of the manager is to undertake decisions that affect cost as well as revenues or profits for each of the department. Therefore, the main purpose of the profit centres is to earn profit for Monoclean Limited. It is the accountability of the profit centre executive to look after production as well as advertising of a product (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener 2013). Conclusion At the end of the study, it is concluded that Monoclean Limited had taken assistance from management consultant team so that they can prepare a report by outlining the issue that may be working against efficient performance dimension as well as incentive systems in the trade units. The above analysis properly explain underlying problems as well as recommend with a solution that considers suitable responsibility centre type, transfer pricing policy as well as performance assessment scheme and administration compensation package. Reference List Ax, C. and Greve, J., 2017. Adoption of management accounting innovations: Organizational culture compatibility and perceived outcomes. Management Accounting Research,34, pp.59-74. Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K., 2013. Management accounting and control practices in a lean manufacturing environment.Accounting, Organizations and Society,38(1), pp.50-71. Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K., 2014. Lean manufacturing and firm performance: The incremental contribution of lean management accounting practices.Journal of Operations Management,32(7), pp.414-428. Messner, M., 2016. Does industry matter? How industry context shapes management accounting practice.Management Accounting Research,31, pp.103-111. Otley, D. and Emmanuel, K.M.C., 2013.Readings in accounting for management control. Springer. Renz, D.O., 2016.The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management. John Wiley Sons. Suomala, P., Lyly-Yrjninen, J. and Lukka, K., 2014. Battlefield around interventions: A reflective analysis of conducting interventionist research in management accounting.Management Accounting Research,25(4), pp.304-314. Williams, J., 2014.Financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
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